26 May 2021

With the heat, the garden has changed fast. With cooler days coming this week, it should slow down a little. 

If you notice that there are relatively few koi or that they are deep in the water, it's probably because the black cap night heron or the great blue heron is paying a visit. The black cap night heron loves to stand on the rock walkway by the waterfall like a statue. 

As soon as the koi are sure that the heron is out of range, they pop back up. Right now the water is murky because they are spawning.

Japanese iris and vibernum (with a heavenly scent--the garden appeals to as many senses as possible). The Japanese Iris tolerate wet feet, so can live along the pond and stabilize the edge as the water level fluctuates. 

Two kinds of ninebark, just starting to bloom along the lagoon.

Close up of Diabolo ninebark in bloom

Honeysuckle by the moss alcove. 

Banks of Miss Kim Korean Lilac are still in bloom, providing lots of scent.

Rhododendron are in bloom in the shade near the pavilion.

The weeping beech is turning from bronze to burgundy.


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