1 May 2021

The big show now comes from the azaleas--purple and red--plus the crabapples, redbuds, dogwoods, and Japanese maples. 

Inside the gate, to the left, is the Redbud (Cercis canadensis) behind the Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum), which is behind the azaleas.

`Across the bridge, the "Cranberry" Crabapple is in bloom. 

The regular lilac is just emerging. The many "Miss Kim" Korean Lilacs are in bud. 
The Redbuds are beautiful all over Wooded Island this spring.

Red flowering dogwood is popular for photos by the pavilion. 
The new leaves of the Japanese maple flash red on top of the waterfall.

Red azaleas (Stewartsonia, cultivar Karen) are just opening up. 

This small crabapple has been pruned to weep into the water.

The koi are happy in the sudden warmth.

Peeping out here and there in the garden are the Virginia Bluebells, a native of Illinois, here under the azaleas by the gate. 

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